Friday, December 4, 2015

Purple Hair! : )

    Hello, you wonderful seventeen-or-so people who are going to read this. 
How are you doing today? Good? Good. This is going to be a short post, as I am busy with teenagery things. (You know, knocking over convenience stores and stuff like that.) This is just to tell you that I dyed my hair purple! It took two days, because my mom bleached my hair yesterday, before my Girl Scouts meeting.(By the way, I do NOT look good as a blond.)We attempted to dye it afterwards, but ran out of dye two thirds of the way through. We had to go back to the store this morning to get more dye. But it's done now, and it looks amazing!(Props to you, Mom.)

That's it for this post, I will probably post tomorrow at some point.

Lots of Love,

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